Herbal medicine
Phytotherapy (herbal medicine), is the use of plants as a therapy to improve health. These plants, our ancient healers that surround us, have been used for thousands of years to treat and heal people. We have evolved with them and because of them.
A plant’s innate intelligence is their ability to sense their environment, and behave in a certain way to protect themselves. By doing this they protect us and our planet. They provide us with the medicines we need to heal – ‘the healing power of plant medicine’.
Herbal medicine is natural and does not damage the earth or environment. Unlike modern pharmaceuticals which are made in a lab, this medicne is growing out of the earth around us, flowering from green leafy stalks and oozing from the trunks of trees. This medicine is simple, ageless, it gives pleasure to the senses and stirs emotions. It is diffused with a vitality and intelligence which brings us closer into relationship with the world we live in. It doesn't pull us into further separation from the world around us, it doesn't create more health problems for us or the environment.
I feel honoured to bring you the power of these plants. Carefully administered and specifically formulated for each individual.
Herbal Medicine can assist the body in regaining health and in essence can help almost any condition because it is the individual that is being treated, not the illness.