Fascia Phytotherapy

Connecting mind body and soul.

Bringing you the healing power of plants.

Using phyto-therapy and naturopathic principles to promote optimal health and cultivate vital force.

Fascia, the biological fabric that weaves throughout the whole body. A continuous, organisational, structural framework supporting us, our life force, our qi energy.

At Fascia phytotherapy we work to support people with this interconnectedness embedded into our treatments. Just like the ebb and flow of energy in the world in which we live - a system with no separation where everything connects.

Born in Bala,

We have evolved synergistically with our plant world for thousands of years. We exist because of them and they are influenced by our behaviour, as we are by theirs. Together we live in symbiosis and together we influence our planet.

That’s why I chose to set up in one of the world’s most natural environments, Snowdonia National Park. To be inspired by nature it was key for me to live with nature. There’s no better place for me to establish a relationship with the very things that have helped us survive all these thousands of years – our herbs and plants.

I'm Edwina. I’m a medical herbalist and naturopath. What does that mean? Well, I work with people to help them to understand and realise the innate ability of their body to heal itself.

And I do this naturally. As nature intended.

Get in touch.

To book an appointment or find out more about what we do, discuss herbs or your health, please fill in the form and we will get back to you. Thanks.